Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy birthday Julia!

Today is the would be the 100th B-day of Julia Child. We celebrated by having a delicious Salad Nicoise for dinner featuring organic red butter lettuce, dolphin safe tuna, tomatoes, green beans, herbs, and onion from the backyard funny farm, eggs from our hens, and several other delicious additions (mini bell pepper, olives, fingerling potatoes). It was delicious. Anni ate her weight in salad!

We are in that part of the yearly cycle where we harvest our herb crops. Over the past few days, we've gathered sage, thyme, oregano, rosemary, lemon balm, mint, chives, lavender, and raspberry leaves. After rinsing and bundling, we have herbs everywhere. The chives were flash frozen and reside in the freezer. The raspberry leave are drying in a basket. The oregano, rosemary, and thyme are drying in small bunches, and...

 Ari sorts herbs in the backyard.
 She calls in the reinforcements, Alex, to help with the bundling.
 A bowl of pineapple sage sits waiting on the kitchen table.
 Sage hanging from our impromptu drying rack between the dining room and learning center.
 Bundled lemon balm drying on a towel.
 Lavender hanging from the curtain rod.
Chocolate mint drying on the kitchen counter.

We'll gift, trade, and use the dry herbs over the coming fall and winter seasons. We love a mint and lemon balm combination tea in the evenings and a raspberry leaf ice tea during the day - yum! The funny farmers love the sage in buttermilk biscuits for breakfast. Oregano takes center stage in our home pizzas, and rosemary is tops with our small homegrown potatoes. And I love thyme in practically anything!

Our Northwest weather has been steadily heating up over the past week. We may even break a hundred on Friday! The veggie beds are ready to explode in torrid showers of tomatoes and zucchini. (Does anyone have a really heavy duty brolly?) I can hardly wait!

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