Sunday, August 3, 2008

Project Goal #2: Grow more of our own food

The feather our turkey visitor left behind.

We want to grow more of our own food. How are we going to attempt this?
A) By expanding our organic garden plot with 3 raised garden beds.
B) By expanding our composting bin and worm binning.
C) By extending our spring/summer garden via year round growing techniques with hearty fall/winter crops, a low-cost green house, and gardening under plastic.
D) By preserving peak food crops through dehydration, freezing, canning, and pickling.
E) By adding chickens for egg production.
F) And if possible (zoning?), by adding a goat for yogurt/cheese.

Why raised beds? To increase the soil temperature for continued growth and help control pests.

Why composting and worm binning? To improve soil quality and decrease kitchen garbage volume.

Why year round growing techniques? Do you have any idea how much it rains around here? The slug is our mascot, and summer is short.

Why food preservation? Have you tasted grocery store tomatoes in January? Yuk! Sun dried tomatoes in January? Yum! Besides, it sounds like some good times in the family kitchen.

Why chickens? Why not? We love animals and eggs. Chickens seem like an easy way to start. (Don't you just love the blissfully ignorant?)

Why a goat? This may be wishful thinking due to zoning restrictions, but we're checking it out just in case. We're thinking the added benefits of weed control and fresh yogurt and cheese. Can you say Mah?

Goal 3 tomorrow.

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