Thursday, August 7, 2008

Of Tapirs, HTML, and Grains

Ari and Lisa at writing group
(Note Ari's flaming flamingo pen!)

Well, today not much happened on the gardening front. Alas, the seeds were not planted, but tomorrow is another day, and hopefully a cooler one.

Anni and I went to the Zoo with her summer camp. All the animals were up and active, surprising for a warm day. We especially loved the hippos who were frolicking in their swimming hole. Did you know they are the most dangerous animal in Africa? (Except for maybe the mosquito.) One little one wanted to know about that strange swinging tail of the male tapir. We had to delicately explain it wasn't his tail!

Mucho, much thanks to our techie friend Lisa for helping us loads with the blog. Today, after the writing portion of our writing group, she gave Ari and I lesson #1 in pre-school HTML to fix a few clitches in the blog programming. First, she had to tell me what HTML stood for!

In our continuing effort to eat locally, we went in search of local grains. We found Bluebird Grain Farm in WA's Methow valley. They have a CSA for organic and heirloom grains including farro, dark nothern rye, had red wheat, and soft white wheat. This is great news as we can now bake up some bread! Toasty!
Julie Ann

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