Sunday, August 31, 2008

Barkley Speaks!

Julie Ann reading up on bug info

Anni having fun at the top the slide.

Today the sun peeked itself out of the clouds. Barkley had a great time taking us for a walk. He was very excited to finally get to the trail after a week's worth of rain. I'll let him tell you about it.

Barkley: "Woof, woof, woof (I saw a squirrel, squirrel, squirrel!), Wag, wag, wag (another dog, and another, and another), Grrrrrr! (Bicyclist in tight spandex pants coming too close to Anni.) We saw lots of salmon jumping in the river and a very inquisitive hummingbird.

It was a good day for quality gardening time. We cut back the peas today to make more room for the pumpkins. We also set up a ripening tray for the tomatoes in the kitchen window. We used the trays from the seedlings. The weather forcast did a reversal on itself from a few days ago and is now predicting another week of sun. See my tomatoes smile! We harvested another bunch's worth of baby carrots and a couple more squash.

Tonight for dinner we made a crockpot full of tomatillo veggie stew with pork. It was full of goodness from our garden, CSA basket, and the farmer's market. We served it up with a salad full of our Black Kir heirloom tomatoes. They're rapidly becoming the family favorites!

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