Thursday, April 29, 2010

Produce on parade.

CSA box #1: Lettuce, broccoli, miner's lettuce, baby bokchoy, radishes, red peppers, green onions, pea pods, mushrooms, tomato, strawberries, grapefruit, pears, & oranges. We made lots of stir fries this week.
CSA box #2: apples, pears, oranges, Myer lemons, cucumber, cauliflower, onions, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, lettuce, radish, tomato, asparagus, and avocado. Our menu included asparagus quiche and cauliflower potato curry this week.
Egg salad open face sandwiches using tomato and lettuce from the csa box, chives from the garden, and eggs from the coop.
An English tea for dinner one evening. All the produce is from the boxes. Have you tried miner's lettuce? It's a wild edible that tastes alot like water cress.
This week's CSA box was so big we had to split it into two photos. First, the veggies: carrots, lettuce, zucchini, onion, mushrooms, potatoes, jalapenos, avocado, green onion, and broccolini.
And now the fruit and grocery items: oranges, apples, grapefruit, tangelos, peaches, tomato (yep, it's a fruit), cheese, sausages, and tofu. Our wonderful CSA with Full Circle Farm has been expanding its offerings. We can now add organic teas, coffees, chocolates, cheeses, tofu, some meat, breads, grains, and gourmet items to our box. The garlic and herb tofu, along with zucchini, mushrooms, and onions are headed for a veggie lasagna!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Day at the zoo!

Old timer mountain goat on his rock.
Surprising a red lemur makes its eyes bug out.
"Hey, I wanted that piece of grass!" (Gorilla conversational thoughts)
"People? What people? I don't see no smelly people."
We finally spotted the elusive Duiker (a very small deer).
Today's blog entry is brought to you by Alex. We went to the zoo for a field trip yesterday. Anni has been learning about different habitats. Check out National Geographic's website for more info on habitats.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Plants on Parade

Basil sisters growing on the kitchen window.
Seeded pots: marigolds, peas, beans, nasturtium, pumpkins, & more basil
The repotted shamrock. (Note the beautiful brown egg in the blue bowl beside.)
The blood orange tree we are experimenting with this year as an indoor/outdoor plant. We've named her Sanguine.
The strawberries are blooming.
The pansies from last year self seeded and are back without any real work!
We couldn't resist one critter shot. Here are the chickens three enjoying a bug hunt in the rhubarb bed. Henrietta likes worms. Waltzing Matilda enjoys ants, and Claudette prefers dandelion greens.
Here I am in my Juneau Sneakers French trenching the first (and largest) of the veggie beds. French trenching is laborious, but it really breaks up the clods, loosens up the soil and mixes in the soil additions. Then we planted this bed with cauliflower, collard, and onion starts.
The chives came back in force. We've been enjoying them in all kinds of dishes, especially omelets.
All the berry bushes are back. This is the raspberry. We also have 4 blueberry, a marionberry, and blackberries.
And finally, here is the variegated ficus (or weeping fig) that we went on such a search for over the weekend. It seems very happy in its huge pot on the landing. His name is Fickle.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Critters on Parade!

A proud peacock on the prowl.
Foiled by the fencing!
This one decides to hop the fence.
The gosling and ducklings are happy within their fences.
The roosters have escaped!
The goat is out by a nose.
The lambs don't care as long as maaaam is close by.
And the bunnies are happy doing what bunnies do.
My friend Lisa and I went on a most excellent adventure on Saturday. It involved shopping for shelves, partaking of a few fashion finds, veggie sushi, coffee, heavy rain, more coffee, and a search for the elusive variegated ficus tree.
Along the way, we stopped at the mini farm across from Flower World in Maltby. Flower World is an incredible nursery with just about everything except my ficus. The little farm shop across the way has a fruit and veggie stand, lots of veggie starter plants (We both bought basil starts and organic seeds), and lots of critters.
Did we ever find the elusive ficus? Check the blog tomorrow!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring, Sprang, Sprung!

Ah! Spring in the great Northwest!

Over the past two weeks, we've had heavy rain, light rain, showers, light snow, hail, a wind storm, and lots of grey, grey clouds, but interspersed here and there has been peeks of a shining orb in the sky. I think it might be called the SUN!

On its appearance last week, we went to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. The animals were in full spring season. We saw some very amorous ducks. We also saw both of the Arctic foxes, the brown coastal and the white inland - very cool. We've never seen them both at the same time before. We also saw several members of the zoo's wolf pack and the big brown bears were very active in their outdoor enclosure. (I forgot the camera - BAD moma.)

Today was absolutely gorgeous. It hit the 60's. We broke out the shorts. The blinding light of all those white legs equaled that of the sun! We did some much needed gardening. (I swear those weeds sprung up overnight.) Our garden is showing signs of spring. The rhubarb is back. The herbs are still going strong. We'll start our indoor seeds this week!

This afternoon, we gathered up the future farmers for fun at a local park. Alex beat us all handily at a game of dandelion hole golf, and Anni is getting really skilled at dribbling a soccer ball! Then we took a long hike along the river trail. We spied a bald eagle in a tree, two otters in the river, and six garter snakes in the grass. After all that it was time for an afternoon nap!

Here's hoping for more sunny spring days!