Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hoppy almost Easter

It's been a busy time down on the funny farm. So far, we've started 12 trays of seedlings and managed to plant 14 of the raised beds with a combination of seeds and starter. So, what are we growing? Here's the starting line-up:
Bed 1                 4/7/14                   sweet onion       4/9/14                   marigold, spinach
Between             Continued           Alpine strawberry pot
Bed 2                 Continued           Sage, flower       4/10/14 Collards, carrots
Between             Continued           bunching onions
Bed 3                 Continued           Lily,                     4/10/14 Carrots, cabbage, Chinese cabbage
Between             Continued           Rosemary bush
Bed 4                4/5/14                  sweet onion, marigold, carrot
Bed 5                Continued           Ital. & Curly parsley   4/12/14      Carrots, radish, cauliflower,    broccoli, Brussel sprouts.
Between             4/5/14                   Artichokes
Bed 6                 Continued           Choc. mint,         4/12/14 beans, carrots, radishes, marigolds
Bed 7                  4/12/14                pumpkin, zucchini, carrot, radish, marigolds, lettuce
Bed 8                  Continued           Lavender             4/10                       Carrots, peas
Between              Continued           Black currant bush
Bed 9                 Continued           Strawberries      4/914                     spinach, marigold
Between             Continued           Calendula, thyme pots                                                 
Front of bed 9   4/5/14                   English thyme, French lavender pots
Between             4/7/14                   Tomato Plants   4/10/14 Radishes w/tomatoes
Bed 10               Continued           Chives,                 4/9/14                   cilantro
Between             Continued           Jostaberry bush                                                              
Bed 11               Continued           Rhubarb, lemon balm                  
Bed 12               Continued           Purple & green sage, poppy, lily 4/10/14    Shallots
Between             Continued           Marionberry bush          
Bed 13                Continued           Chives, leek        4/12/14 radish, marigold, lettuce, sunflowers
Porch                  Continued           Grape pot
                            4/5/14                   lettuce, lettuce seed, radish
                            4/5/14                   chard, lettuce, radish
                            4/7/14                   spinach, marigold
Between             Continued           Raspberries bush                     Lower, side GH
Between             Continued           Lettuce, radish pot                   Lower, side GH
Between             Continued           4 Blueberry bushes                  Upper, front GH
Between             Continued           Loganberry                              Upper, side GH
Between             Continued           Blackberry                               Upper, side GH
Greenhouse seed starts:
                           4/5/14             Tomatoes (3 varieties), Pumpkin,Zucchini,  Peas, Italian beans, Green Beans, Rabe, Broccoli,  Cauliflower, Cabbage, Chives, Cilantro, Basil,  Peppers,  Marigolds, Sunflowers, Nasturtium.
Greenhouse continued:                   Tangerine, aloe vera plants

Greenhouse purchased starts:          Shallots, snap dragons, sweet peas.

When the rain returned to the beautiful Pacific Northwest  (it wasn't unexpected), we turned to repair work; overhauling the compost, fixing the trellis for the berry bushes, and getting the worm bin ready for a new batch of residents. It was also a great time to replenish the soil around the continuing plants and nonedibles on the funny farm.

But all work and no play makes the funny farmers way too funny. So, this week we've been having lots of fun. We've had our bunny ears and tails on all week! Today, took a field trip to the Ballard Locks. We only saw two tiny fish, but we did get to see to the very bottom of the smaller lock as it was empty for maintenance. Then we came home and decided to cook  up something delicious. Since, it was National Garlic Day (yes, there is such a thing.), we opted for a rustic butternut squash and roasted garlic (3 whole bulbs worth!) tart with goat cheese and tarragon in a multi-nut crust (gluten free, even). It was more than delish!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Back in the Garden!

 Our fearless leader said it was time to restart the family blog. I love this pic of David!

 It's early days for the backyard farm as spring returns to Western Washington. There great blue herons have returns to their nesting roosts all around us. We counted a hundred yesterday!

The western pond turtles were out sunning themselves on submerged logs at
Juanita Bay Wildlife Refuge on Monday afternoon. Our official turtle count was 63!

And not to be left out of the action, the frogs were visible for the first time this spring. We caught sight of three. We think these are an invasive species not our small native pond frongs.

And not to be outdone by the critters, our star magnolia decided to burst into blossom today despite the cloudy morning. (The soccer balls are Anni's!)

To kick off the start of the official back to gardening season, I copresented an evening talk about backyard farming at the King County Library last Monday. It was lots of fun, with many, many questions and lots of enthusiasm.

And how does our garden grow? Well, so far, we've potted garden peas, basil, cilantro, lettuce, marigolds, radishes, and rainbow chard. I dug over the first raised bed this afternoon and planted onions, carrots, and marigolds. I've turned the compost and done lots of garden maintennance. My goal for tomorrow is to dig another raised bed and seed more flowers. My green thumb is in full motion!

Our last remaining chicken, Henrietta, Anni's clucker, has the run of the farm most days. She back to laying an  egg a day now the weather is brighter. We hope to add a couple more hens to the pen later this month. We like our lovely fresh eggs.

And speaking of broods, ours is doing well. Ari completed her degree at Bellevue College and is now on to the University of Washington, studying archeological sciences. Last quarter, she analyzed stone tool flakes as part of an undergraduate research project. Alex is a senior in high school and will be starting college this summer. Anni is doing well in her program and is now a high tech gal with her digital hearing aides, which are greatly helping her communication.

Until tomorrow, farm on!