Today, we waged war on an enemy invader to the garden patch, the common garden slug! Copper pennies did not deter the beasties as they notched up noturnal raids on the squash and pumpkin blossoms. But now we know their weakness, Rainier Beer. Victory! A dish of Rainier resulted in the demise of heaping helping of the slimy intuders. Yahoo!
The sun has finally found its way to the Pacific Northwest! Today was in the mid 80's and it's warming up over the next few days. The tomatoes are finally starting to get a rosy hue. Can you say tomato sandwiches? Hmm! The beans and peapods are still going nuts. And the pumpkins are threatening to take over the patch!
The sun has finally found its way to the Pacific Northwest! Today was in the mid 80's and it's warming up over the next few days. The tomatoes are finally starting to get a rosy hue. Can you say tomato sandwiches? Hmm! The beans and peapods are still going nuts. And the pumpkins are threatening to take over the patch!
Does anyone know of a source of regional honey? We'd like to try buying in bulk from a local beekeeper for all our baking and preserving.
A note about garbage: We're noticing a significant reduction in the amount of stuff going in the trash can since the project began. Most of the waste connected to our food choices now goes directly into the compost bin. Our trash can used to be overflowing and now is now less than 3/4 full when it goes to the curb.
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