Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Harvesting summer veggies!

It's been a busy day down on the funny farm. All the warm weather has finally engaged the fruiting parts of our garden veggies. Today, we harvested our first zucchini of the season, and we have one big tomato just about red (I can hardly wait!). Yesterday, we harvested our first gypsy pepper from the garden and eggplant from the greenhouse. We've also had a few runner beans and pear tomatoes. And the lettuces, berries, and herbs are out of control! We have to have big salads and berry smoothies for lunch everyday just to keep up with the flow!

Last week, we noticed a garden mystery; our zucchini and other summer squash were starting to grow and then withering and dying. Hmm, what was up? I checked for insect - none. I recharged the soil with compost. Still, they languished. So, I dug into my stack of gardening resources, and found the answer in Ma book: Willi Galloway's: Grow, Cook, Eat. The lady flowers were not being (eh-hem) pollinated by the male flowers. This might have been due to lack of bumbly bees, but I suspect it was due to our love of stuffed squash blossoms. I put a halt to their harvest and hand pollinated several lady flowers. A week later, the squash plants are all happily making zucchini, yellow summer, or pattypan squashes.

In family news, Ari is gearing up to start the UW in the fall. Translation: she filling out lots and lots of forms.
Alex got his pre-senior picture haircut yesterday. David had been trying the yin yoga classes with me. Now, I just have to get him to try a flow class. (I'll have him  in pretzel poses in no time!) Anni enjoyed her yoga session this morning, and she's been loving her afternoons in the back garden.

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