Friday, February 27, 2009
My ity bity netbook
Thursday, February 26, 2009
And again, it snows!
In other news, many thanks to all the folks who referred me to kumquat recipes!
I now have my choice of kumquat clafoutis, Moroccan chicken with kumquats and prunes,
Lamb skewers with kumquat cucumber salad, spicy pork and kumquat stir-fry,
kumquat-pecan crepes, chicken-kumquat spring rolls, kumquat puree,
kumquat marmalade, kumquat chutney, kumquat chips, kumquat nut bread,
kumquat cake, kumquat oatmeal cookies, or even candied kumquats.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
This evening, Ari and I had our writing group with friends. We did our writing activities and discussed a wide variety of topics; the creation of a unique religion, kinship structures, local economics, and the direction of the country, all future fodder for our fictional endeavors.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A bunch of goodness
Monday, February 23, 2009
Trees of Life and a Taste Tempter
Saturday, February 21, 2009
NW Garden Show
I loved this suspended window door
A beautiful weeping pussy willow
The coolest garden gate on the planet!
A purple door to exit by.
These were just a few of my favorite ideas. The garden show was awesome! and set around sustainable gardening. We saw lots of exhibits and picked up some pointers on the fine art of the garden. I learned which types of fruit grow well in our damp climate. I bought lots of seeds to sow and a rhubarb starter. I found a stone quail for my garden, some homemade tiles and grapefruit soap, local honey, a beautiful scarf, and entered a drawing for a chicken coop (wish me luck!). We wondered around the display gardens and checked out at least a dozen greenhouses. It was a great way to spend a Saturday!
Friday, February 20, 2009
BAD Boy Barkley!!!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Getting my house in order
Today, I had jury duty again.
In other news, Lisa and I had our writing class,
and then we went to the veggie dinner at the Veg of WA group.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Mountains, Masks, and Many Spices
We made our Sunday family dinner again tonight.
And finally...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's my valentine!
The kids had their heart shaped boxes of chocolates.
David had a wine glass full of Dove chocolates.
I took a couple of hours off to have an urban adventure in my own hometown. I had coffee at my favorite coffee shop, and a pastry. Then I scoped out one of the local consignment stores and visited the beading shop I've been meaning to get to for over a year now. Then it was off to a special shop for something special for later and finally to the craft store to find valentine supplies.
Later, I joined up with the family for lunch at a great little Thai restaurant downtown. My hometown is awesome!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Eek a chicken!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sneaker Tales
Never Joke About Snow!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Sunday Fun
Later this afternoon, the older future farmers and I went to the movies. After being out voted (I wanted to see Slumdog Millionaire), we went to see Coraline. This magical fairytale, written by Neil Giaman and directed by Tim Burton, had just the right blend of originality and creepiness. It was terrific!
We see in the weather forecast that Colchester is scheduled for snow this week. Have you got your sleds ready?
Saturday, February 7, 2009
New Wheels for the Bumbling Bicycler

In other news of the day, we had a lovely urban adventure in Bellevue today. We had a chilly walk around the downtown park, lunch at a Chinese restaurant with excellent salt and pepper squid, and browsed around the mall and bookstore. We may even have found a sofa for downstairs!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Dog versus Visitor
It had rained really hard the night before. We are guessing the visitor was surveying the compost pile on his nightly raids and decided to climb in, curl up, and take a nap under the covering. He was rousted by Barkley who happens to think the tastier tidbits in the compost are his alone. Barkley then stood guard over the compost bin for the next half hour.