We finally cooked again. The menu was BBQed Mexican pork, Spanish yellow rice, and grilled zucchini (of course! zucchini 100 remember?) and yellow squash brushed with jalepeno infused olive oil, homegrown pico de gallo, mellow avocado slices, and a hibiscus sparkling lemonade. It was delicious! The lemons and avocado were from our farm box, and the peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cilantro, yellow squash, and zucchini all came from our back yard!
Someone recently asked about our exceptions to the local eating rule. We have 3 family exceptions per month and 1 individual exception per week. Usually the family exceptions are: an oil of some kind (olive, peanut, canola), a spice, and citrus or avocados. The individual exceptions are as follows: Ari - coffee always, Anni - hot chocolate usually, but occassionally a hamburger, Alex - lately a frappacino, David - coffee usually, but sometimes a pepsi, & Julie Ann - either chocolate or coffee.
Another reader asked about restaurants. We usually try to frequent local, family owned restaurants. If they serve local, organic food so much the better. Our favorite coffee place is Cafe Ladro who friendly crew serves up wonderful organic fairtrade shade grown coffee. They also have the best apple pie in the universe!
Stats for the Zucchini 100, at last count we were at 81 zucchini left to go. However, over the last few days, I've harvested 12 more! So that brings it up to 93 - 1 in my salad for lunch and another 1 on the grill tonight = 91 to go! Did I mention the 6 more zucchini plants about to spit out zucchini? Help!