Hi everyone! Folks have asked us how we learned to do all the stuff we do on the funny farm. Well, it all started with a course and a book.
The course was Voluntary Simplicity from the Northwest Earth Institute and the book was
Plenty. Well, Seattle's branch of the Northwest Earth Institute is offering 24 classes throughout the greater Seattle area this fall! Many are offered on the eastside of Lake Washington. These courses get my vote as both a win:win for all the wonderful information and cool folks you'll encounter and a real bargain.
So you are all invited to:
CATCH THE GREEN VIRUS!Plan to attend an introductory presentation about Northwest Earth Institute discussion courses on:
§ Global Warming
§ Menu for the Future
§ Healthy Children, Healthy Planet
§ Choices for Sustainable Living
§ Discovering a Sense of Place
§ Voluntary Simplicity
§ Deep Ecology
The presentations will provide background information on these Northwest Earth Institute discussion courses. Those who wish to participate in a course will be able to sign up at the presentation, and the meeting days and times will be chosen then.
The courses are participant-facilitated, based on readings drawn from authors including: Wendell Berry, Vicki Robin, Linda Breen Pierce, Paul Hawken, Rachel Carson, William J. Doherty, Eric Schlosser, Juliet Schor, Joanna Macy, Donella Meadows, Lester Brown.
The classes are
free. There is a small charge for the course materials.
These courses are developed and sponsored by the Northwest Earth Institute (
http://www.nwei.org/) Please see the website
http://www.nweiseattle.org/ of the Seattle chapter for specific information.
The mission of the Northwest Earth Institute is: Inspiring people to take
responsibility for Earth.
Please call Chris if you have any questions, at: 425-889-4724.