Bed 1 4/7/14 sweet
onion 4/9/14 marigold,
Between Continued Alpine strawberry pot
Bed 2 Continued Sage, flower 4/10/14 Collards, carrots
Between Continued bunching onions
Bed 3 Continued Lily, 4/10/14 Carrots, cabbage, Chinese cabbage
Between Continued Rosemary bush
Bed 4 4/5/14 sweet
onion, marigold, carrot
Bed 5 Continued Ital. & Curly parsley 4/12/14 Carrots,
radish, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts.
Between 4/5/14 Artichokes
Bed 6 Continued Choc. mint, 4/12/14 beans, carrots, radishes, marigolds
Bed 7 4/12/14 pumpkin, zucchini, carrot, radish, marigolds,
Bed 8 Continued Lavender 4/10 Carrots, peas
Between Continued
Black currant bush
Bed 9 Continued Strawberries 4/914 spinach,
Between Continued Calendula, thyme pots
Front of bed 9 4/5/14 English thyme, French
lavender pots
Between 4/7/14 Tomato Plants 4/10/14 Radishes
Bed 10 Continued Chives, 4/9/14 cilantro
Between Continued Jostaberry bush
Bed 11 Continued Rhubarb, lemon balm
Bed 12 Continued Purple & green sage, poppy, lily 4/10/14 Shallots
Between Continued Marionberry bush
Bed 13 Continued Chives, leek 4/12/14 radish,
marigold, lettuce, sunflowers
Porch Continued Grape pot
4/5/14 lettuce, lettuce seed, radish
4/5/14 chard, lettuce, radish
4/7/14 spinach, marigold
Between Continued Raspberries bush Lower,
side GH
Between Continued Lettuce, radish pot Lower,
side GH
Between Continued 4 Blueberry bushes Upper,
front GH
Between Continued Loganberry Upper,
side GH
Between Continued Blackberry Upper,
side GH
Greenhouse seed starts:
4/5/14 Tomatoes (3 varieties), Pumpkin,Zucchini, Peas, Italian
beans, Green Beans, Rabe, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Chives, Cilantro, Basil, Peppers, Marigolds, Sunflowers, Nasturtium.
Greenhouse continued: Tangerine,
aloe vera plants
Greenhouse purchased starts: Shallots,
snap dragons, sweet peas.
When the rain returned to the beautiful Pacific Northwest (it wasn't unexpected), we turned to repair work; overhauling the compost, fixing the trellis for the berry bushes, and getting the worm bin ready for a new batch of residents. It was also a great time to replenish the soil around the continuing plants and nonedibles on the funny farm.
But all work and no play makes the funny farmers way too funny. So, this week we've been having lots of fun. We've had our bunny ears and tails on all week! Today, took a field trip to the Ballard Locks. We only saw two tiny fish, but we did get to see to the very bottom of the smaller lock as it was empty for maintenance. Then we came home and decided to cook up something delicious. Since, it was National Garlic Day (yes, there is such a thing.), we opted for a rustic butternut squash and roasted garlic (3 whole bulbs worth!) tart with goat cheese and tarragon in a multi-nut crust (gluten free, even). It was more than delish!