Speaking of veggies, today we harvested zucchini, lemon and English cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, tomatillos, leeks, zucchini blossoms, green beans, eggplants, jalapeno, habanero, and gypsy peppers. Yesterday, we cooked up a huge pot of green salsa base using lots of tomatillos. Can you say enchiladas?
To help reduce the frightening overload of veggies in the fridge, tonight was use your veggies pizza night. A prize was awarded to the pizza with the most veggies. I won. I'd planned on photoing the winning pizza, but alas, the winning pie was eaten before the camera could be retrieved. So, instead of a veggilicious pizza, here's another pic from our June vacation.
The Future Farmers at Medicine Wheel, Wyoming.
This is a really cool Native American site, closest to Lovell, Wyoming and within the Bighorn Mountains. It a mile hike straight up to reach it. The Medicine Wheel is a bit of a mystery. No one knows exactly when it was built, but it is sacred to many tribes who still hold ceremonies at the site. The cloths and trinkets tied to the fence are offerings and remembrances. From this site at the top of the mountain, you can see 60 miles in all directions. It was quite the view.
We were also impressed by this little critter at Medicine Wheel
This is a marmot, and this one was particularly friendly. I think it wanted a snack.
Unfortunately for him (or her), Anni was not about to give up her granola bar!