Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weather Wacky Sunday!

Eek! It snowed again!
Will I ever get that rhubarb planted?

We awoke to snow, AGAIN!!!! Is spring anywhere on the horizon?

We decided to go for a walk on the river trail.
It was a very short, very cold walk.
Following the am snow, we had heavy rain and wild winds.

My kitchen window and counter are full of veggie starts.
I have lots of seed pack waiting to be started.
Today, we received 4 blueberry, a boysenberry, and logan berry plants.
I'm running out of surfaces on which to set plants!

And the weather forecast is predicting: 3 more days of heavy rain!!!

In other news, we are starting our St. Paddy's day celebrations.
We have lined up our Irish menus for the week (we always celebrate for a week)
and dug out all our favorite celtic music.
Tomorrow, the little people and I are making soda bread.

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