Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Taking the cake.

Yesterday the weather finally cooled down (hip, hip, horay!) Zucchini awaited. We baked 2 chocolate zucchini cakes and 2 loaves of zucchini nut bread. The kitchen smelled heavenly. While the cakes were cooling, we ran a few evening errands. We came back ready for cake, but 1 was missing. We looked high and then low. A trail of crumbs lead to a very guilty dog with crumbs around his snout. We had to place a call to the vet to make sure Barkley wasn't going to be sick due to the chocolate. So who took the cake? The crummy dog!

Zucchini 100: All the baking used 8 zukes, but we harvested 4 more! 75 more to go.

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