The blog is back! I took some time off while I was reading and writing lots of stories. I read 32 books, redrafted 4 novels, and tried my hand at 5 short stories. It's been a blast.
In other news, the farm boxes kept coming.

We went out to dinner at Salty's. Here are Alex and Ari really excited about the menu. They ordered the calamari!

We dug up the last of our baby carrots.

We celebrated the Saints Superbowl victory with a Jambalaya dinner.

We made awesome pizza for dinner last night.

And Alex refrained from blowing up the dining room during his science experiment. Way to go!

And here he is not setting fire to the deck. Note the attractive and very practical safety goggles.
1 comment:
Yeah, it's always good not to set one's house on fire...
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