It was a busy first weekend in October! On Saturday, we went to the Salmon Festival in Issaquah. There was a long parade, hundreds of craft and what-not vendors, food, and of course the salmon were running by the hundreds in Issaquah creek. A good time was had by all.
Today, we headed across Lake Washington to the Seattle Center which was hosting a multitude of events. First on our list was Brickcon, the annual display of incredible things build out of Legos. We saw a town, outer space, castles, forest, a Chinese gate, a tribute to Japanese animation, a portrait of President Obama, steam punk vehicles and so much more all built with these hardy little bricks. There was much oohing and ahing.
Then we headed across the fountain to Arts Crush. What's that you ask? It's the kick off event for the performing arts in the Seattle area. Free tickets, 2 for 1 deals, and discounts abounded for plays, comedy, dance, and music. We left with 6 free tickets and a program of events to keep us busy during the L-O-N-G Northwest rainy season. Ari and I are headed to a play at Book It Theatre on Wednesday! We love win-wins.
And finally, we checked out the Northwest Tea Festival. $5 got you a ceramic tea tasting cup and then you were off to sample tea until you could hold no more. My favorite was a coconut tea from the tea purveyors out of Pike Place Market. Other winners were Choice's organic Fruity Rooibus and their Wild Forest Black teas. Our favorite tea concept was the little tea shop (3 Cups of Tea) in Bothell that donates profits to help build schools in underdeveloped countries (yes, like that book of the same name). Another win-win.
After all of our weekend adventures, we came home and put our feet up!