We finally traded in the accord for...
Another Honda, this time a red Civic, just the one David wanted.
The attack of the fruit and veggies continue. Here's the latest farm box: apples, nectarines, mango, oranges, pears, figs, limes, bananas, lemon, plums, corn, mushrooms, green beans, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, and radish. From the farmer's market, we found: pumpkins, squash, green onions, Concord grapes (taste exactly like Welch's grape juice!), and cilantro. And finally, from the backyard garden, coop, and green house: eggs (yes, I know, not a fruit or veg), tons of cherry tomatoes, green peppers, celery, lettuce, red bunching onions, carrots, strawberries, raspberries, herbs, and a lemon cucumber. Phew!
Anni showing off the new and improving learning room. That's the math cupboard to her right, the writing one to her left, her social studies stand-up is behind her, and her musical instruments (which she LOVES!) are all around her. She's also showing that you can go to school barefoot!
Alex, why are you standing in front of that helo with a funny look on your face?
Alex, what are you up to?
Is that helo moving? Alex???
Okay, just a bit of fun. Alex helped David out with the emergency preparedness fair at Evergreen Hospital this weekend. The Coast Guard dropped in with their search and rescue helicopter.
In other news, we've been checking out the latest offering in the Seattle Arts scene. Ari and I went to see The Cider House Rules (based on the book by the same name). David and I saw Wedding Belles (a Southern comedy). Lisa, Ari, and I attended a kickoff event for Write a Novel Life which was strange but fun. And finally, I'm learning the Thriller dance and how to dress like a zombie for the attempt to break the world record later this month! Another Phew!!
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