Monday, January 10, 2011

Colds and Cold!

After a full week of sneezes and coughs, the A team is back in action. All of us had monster colds except for Alex. He credits his immunological defenses to a 'healthy' diet of nachos! (Kidding!) It's also been very cold outside with more chances of snow this week. We had a light dusting this am.

In other news, we found a new fun and free activity! The second Monday of each month, the Pacific Science Center does Science Cafe at one of our local pubs. I took the older future farmers for a talk about crow and ravens. It was very informative to learn about these exceptionally smart birds.

Finally today, we'd like to send a big shout out to our Auntie D. Best wishes for your upcoming surgery! We're sending all our best wishes and blessings your way!

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