Today, we officially began our gardening season. First, we weeded and replanted in strawberry patch, adding a handful of new strawberry plants, coplanted with spinach.

Then, it was time to transplant the cilantro from the green house to the garden.

Next, we moved the pea trellis to a different bed. This year, we are starting with shelling peas rather than sugar pea pods.

A happy little pea plant (happy after begin rescued from Waltzing Matilda, that greedy hen!).

Matilda in her luxury accommodations in the green house. The other two hens are considerably bigger than her and decided to attack her awhile ago. We thought she was a goner, but she pulled through and now overnights in her own condo in the green house. She spends most of the day free foraging in the back yard, and we try to keep her out of the new plantings!

Heirloom lettuce starts in the green house.

A row of Walla Wall sweet onions and chives, coplanted with marigolds.

We also harvested today; chives for culinary uses, thyme for soap and candle making and culinary use, and sage for smudge bundles.
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