Saturday, we woke to sunshine - Yea! and it stuck around for Sunday too! This meant it was garden time! We drove out to one of our favorite nurseries for an eggplant starter, 2 more tomatoes, some some squash, and some very special berry bushes. I found a black current bush and a jostaberry bush! "What's a jostaberry?" you ask. It's a cross between a black current and a gooseberry. I can hardly wait for it to grow! Next, we headed to the dirt section for more organic garden soil, organic soil amenders, and organic potting soil. Then we headed home to plant, transplant, seed, and generally have lost of fun in the dirt. The carrots we direct sowed to the garden beds are beginning to peek through.
Today, I transplanted the three blueberry bushes to the front of the greenhouse. They weren't too happy hanging out behind it. Next, it was time to weed around the raspberry and loganberry bushes. Then, since I was already into weeding, I went for it in all the planting beds, separating out the dandelions for the chickens. They love those things. I transplanted the broccoli rabe seedlings to a window box in the garden and some lettuce seedlings to a big pot in the garden. We want to attract bees to the garden for pollination, so we seeded sunflowers, marigolds, pansies, nasturtium, big pots of wild flowers, and several flowering vines. We had a bumper return of lupine from last year which is great as the buzzies love them. My final garden task for the day was to round up the chickens and harvest chives. Then I had to go inside. Boo.
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