Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Midsummer?

Hmm, Midsummer? Isn't the 21st the start of summer? It is here in the Seattle Area. We finally hit temps over 75 degrees today! Well anyhow, Happy Summer Solstice! We celebrated by spending most of this most excellent day outside.

There was lots to do in the garden. Peas, radishes, squash, marigolds, sunflowers, and lettuces to transplant to the garden from the greenhouse. Tomatoes and peppers to pot up a size within the greenhouse. Berry bushes to trellis. Strawberries to harvest. Yum! Everything to water. And finally, the ever present slugs and weeds to deal with.

We've been having a problem with bees and wasps coming into the greenhouse through the door and not finding their way back out. They then spend a few hours bouncing off the glass wall, getting more and more agitated. Our solution, gently usher them back outside with the help of a long handled fine mesh butterfly net. Here's the score so far: Bees rescued 3. Wasps rescued 0. Stings received in rescue attempts 0, so far. Huge wasps that have send me running from the greenhouse in a girly state of panic 5.

After lots of fun in the garden, we had a bar-be-que and then went out for ice cream. Rocky road on a waffle cone for David and Ari. Mint chocolate chip on a waffle cone for Alex. Anni had chocolate chip on a sugar cone, and I had pistachio almond on a sugar cone. Delish!

However you spent your solstice, we hope it was a happy sunny one!

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