Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturday on the Go-go

Anni and David at the Blueberry Park

Today was another busy one! I helped one of my friends search and move items around her house. Then we took a stroll though one of our local mall, doing some designing window shopping, and had lunch.

David wanted the afternoon to be a handyman. So I took the kiddles on a Costco run (it's amazing the amount of toilet paper 5 people go through!). Then we visited the gaming store for a certain someone's birthday, and Ari had 3 bags of books to resale at the bookstore. On the way home, we picked up a prescription and dinner.

When we arrived home David had refixed the leaky toilet valve, fixed the sticky bathroom fan switch, and fixed a light in Ari's bathroom. Still no luck with the oven, but he's working on it. In the mean time, we are being creative.

We ended our day with Ari and I going to the RASP (Redmond Association of the Spoken Word) open mike at Tully's to hear some authors and poets read their works. And then I went home to take my boots off!

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