Responding to a reader questions:
What's growing in your Northwest garden currently?
The last of the spring lettuce is ready to be replaced with the mesclun mix.
The peas and strawberries are going like gangbusters.
The runner beans are just starting up.
The tomato plants are getting lots of green tomatoes (think sun!).
The tomatillo and potato plants are flowering like crazy.
The zucchini plants are churning out 1-3 a day!
The Russian kale is extremely prolific! We harvest at least 12 leaves a day!
The purple cabbages are heading up.
The chard produces a handful of leaves a week.
The celery, peppers, cucumbers, onions, leeks and winter squash are all still growing.
All the herbs (sages, thymes, chives, cilantro, savory, rosemary, lemon balm, parsleys and basils) and edible flowers (pansy, viola, nasturium, squash blossoms) can be harvested daily.
The garlic is ready for harvest as we need to use it.
How do you fertilize and pest control on the Funny Farm?
We use vermicompost (worm casings) form our worm bins, compost from our bins, and alfafa meal as amendments to our soil. To control pests, we use bird netting, beer traps for slugs, and hand inspection for caterpillars. We also use companion planting to discourage pests in the first place.
How do you preserve what you harvest?
Usually, we try to eat and share while the produce is fresh. Tonight we had a stirfry with veggies that were still in the garden a few minutes prior to being cooked! Occasionally, we flash dip veggies in boiling water and freeze for later use. Later in the season, we'll make more jams, jellies, fruit butters, chutneys, pickles. and sauces when the cukes, tomatoes and fruit are ripe.
What is your harvest strategy?
I'm not sure we really have a strategy. We walk through the garden daily and harvest what's ripe from each bed. This seems to give us a wide variety of veggies across the week. As a particular type of veggie is finished we replenish the soil and replant with a different variety that's compatible with the other veggies growing in the bed. One thing we are trying to do is harvest the zucchini daily. We don't want a counter full of zucchini troll clubs.
Keep the questions coming, and we'll keep trying to answer them!