Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heat, Markets, and Coops

We've had record heat this week, in the 90 degree range for a couple of days. Besides watering the plants, we hid in the shade! We're not used to the heat, here in the Northwest, and there is a definite lack of air conditioning. Pass the ice water!

But the marine air eventually pushed in and cooled things down on Thursday evening. Today was the farmer's market. We found garlic and dill sheep cheese, homemade spicy salsa, garlic greens, butter lettuce, tomatoes, and French breakfast radishes this week. We didn't need too much from the market as the garden is going nuts, especially with spinach, peas, and greens!

Then it was off to the home depot for chicken coop supplies. Thanks to Lisa for the use of her truck or we would never have gotten the long boards and plywood back to the farm. We connected the four wall; so the coop is now 3-D. Tomorrow we sink the foundation blocks and build the roof! Wish us luck!

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