Friday, June 26, 2009

Moving Day

Today was moving day, for some of the garden plants that it is. The lilac bush that was growing too close to the mini maple in the front yard was transplanted to the back yard, to the area that will eventually become the meditation circle.

This left a big hole in the front flower bed. In went a lavender plant, but there was still a bunch of open territory. Hmm, the pansies were threatening to take over the lettuce patch. They and the 3 viola plants were transplanted to the front bed.

Now, what to put where the pansy/viola plants vacated? I know the big lettuce plants on the deck that were out growing the planter pot. Out into the lettuce patch the 10 of them went.

This left the deck planter pots empty; a perfect place to put the mesclun seedlings. Now the deck seems a mite crowded. Hmm, these two pots of varigated boxwood could fit right in along the meditation path. Off the deck they went.

And finally, those 15 pots of mint we've been growing are ready to be transplanted around the base of the chicken coop. Out of the garden with them. Great! This leaves space for all those potted tomato seedlings.

I love garden puzzles!

PS: Uncle Mel, did you see USA soccer beat Spain? Whaahoo!

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