Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fish, waterfalls, and dogs!

The Salmon were plentiful at the fishery along Highway 2. We counted over a hundred!
We took the trail up to the three Wallace Falls today. Here are some shimmering mushrooms we found on a log.
And a lovely fern frond.
And a bush in berry bloom.
And here come the falls.
Alex and Ari made it up to the lower falls.
David and Anni made it to the Middle Falls.
And Barkley and I made it all the way to the Upper Falls!

On the way down, we encountered two very unfriendly dogs, off leash. Barkley sat and wagged his tail at them until one of them grabbed my arm in his mouth. Then Barkley became super protector and went for them. Barkley was unhurt but very tired after hiking 5 miles up and down a mountain and being a hero!
And here he is all tired out after earning a spot on the sofa for the evening.

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