Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Anni Cooks!

Okay, I had to start with this one just because it's one of my absolutely favorite pictures. Alex looking out for his sis on the beach.
Anni at Cookalicious cooking camp today. Here she is chopping pumpkin seeds.
Next comes the mixing of the dough.
The fully formed Russian Teacakes waiting for their spot in the oven. She also made Valentine Fettuccine with Alfredo sauce. Both were delish! (I think I need a trip to the gym)
And to answer a reader question: What's growing in the garden this year?
Check the sidebar! I finally added the 2010 list!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The adventures continue

A photo for my mom; lupin in bloom, amongst the daisies.
The berries currently ripening in our berry patch; end of season, tiny juicy strawberries, midseason raspberries, and early giant Chandler blueberries.
On Friday and Saturday evening, we joined our friend Lisa at the Marymoor velodrome for the FSA bike racing. The weather was beautiful and the company good. We even had front row seats for the nesting ospreys. There was a family of four nesting up on the pole.

Anni cracking herself up by wearing dad's backup (and extremely ugly) glasses. Anni started her second cooking camp today. This week, she's making pasta and pastries. It was homemade egg fettuccine with marinara sauce and mini zucchini cheese breads today. Both were delicious! There was much excitement at the camp when we were all evacuated for an hour due to a fire at the Round Table Pizza next door. Four fire engines responded along with paramedics and multiple police units. The kids went for a fruit picking walk down Gilman Blvd while the smoke billowed. It's not everyday that the building cooks!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Suburban Adventures #2

Guess where we went on Wednesday?
"Woof, woofy, wooooo!" Translation: I'm a happy, happy dog!"
" There's just gotta be a ball out here somewhere."
A thistle in bloom.
These kids aren't Dutch.
Lots of trees and grass.
Did you guess? Marymoor Park and SODA dog park. A great time was had by all, especially the now worn out canine.
The CSA farm box also arrived on Wednesday, full of organic goodness. This one had peas, mushrooms, avocados, tomatoes, carrots, jalapeno peppers, red onion, corn, green onions, bananas, oranges, nectarines, grapes, pluots, plums, limes, and cherries. Yum!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Excellent Suburban Summer Adventures Part 1

This week, we are embarking on excellent summer adventures. Guess where we went on Monday ???

Alex is thinking, "This is so not the Tardis! It's not even blue. Mom, let us out!"
Are we in an enchanted garden?
Exotic flowers abound.
A few fit for faeries.
Complete with faerie trees.
And picture perfect blooming roses.
With flowers full of passion.
Great blue heron set to fish.
Volumes of water cascading.
Spiralling sculptures.
A bridge half drawn.
David sure is excited to be here. (Or does he have a bee in his pants?)
Okay, so did you guess?
Here's the answer:
The Ballard Locks! We saw several ships pass through the locks, including the Seattle Police Boat. The Chinook (king) salmon and Steelhead were both running through the fish ladder in droves. So much so that we had to go out for fish and chips after our visit to the locks and gardens. It was a beautiful day and a good time was had by all.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Julie Ann's Day Off

I declared time off for my own good behavior today. I took a break and did things I wanted to do, on my own time table. This is a very unusual occurrence. I made this decision after having to get up twice in the 6 am hour to deal with animals!

So what did I do today? First, I wore girly, nonpractical, nonfarming clothing, complete with heels and jewelry. I headed to our down town area for a strong cup of organic fair trade espresso in my ceramic reusable coffee mug. I had to park 9 blocks from the coffee shop since I forgot the classic car show had taken over most of down town.

Coffee in hand, I checked out the restored coupes, minis, model cars, classic, low-riders, and trucks. They were awesome! During the wandering, I came across Sweet Treats, our local cupcake shop. After savoring a mini tuxedo cupcake, I bought a half dozen to take home to the rest of the funny farmers.

Then it was time to check out our yearly town festival, lots of crafts, interesting munchies, and friendly local business people. My find of the fest, hand made ribbon and charm book marks, a must for all bibliophiles!

After hiking back up the hill (in the girly heels!), I stopped to get coffee for farmers David and Ari and headed back to the funny farm where I traded in the girly clothes for the grubbies. I spent a blissful hour and a half weeding, watering, and generally puttering around in the garden. (ok, ok, you can't totally take the farmer out of this female.)

After a quick washup, it was time to redon the fancies and head out for lunch at one of my favorite Thai restaurants. Then I read a novel for an hour in the sunshine with a big relaxed smile plastered across my face (bliss).

Just before 4 o'clock, I met my friend Lisa at the cinema to watch Inception which we both really enjoyed. And finally determined not to let housework intrude on my day off, I ordered a pizza for the family's dinner.

I should take a day off more often. It was a little slice of heaven (and a big slice of veggie pizza).

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Fun

Flowers in the front garden. Our baby birds have flown the nest!
Tea time on the funny farm: smoked local salmon with chives (garden), ham and cheese (farmer's market) plate, Asian pasta salad, veggie plate (farmer's market), cracker basket, garden berries, ginger snaps, and a pot of tea. Yum!
Friendly sheep at Kelsey Creek Farm. We visited the farm on Thursday.
The pond at the Blueberry Farm on 148th in Bellevue.
Tree berries.
Anni and Alex on the trail.
A dragon fly in motion. (can't believe I got this shot!)

Today was farmer's market day. We found wonderful cheese, two kinds of early apples, onions, baby potatoes, leeks, cauliflower, and garlic. We also found a great arts and crafts vendor who makes unique jewelry from old scrabble tiles. I found one with a picture of Big Ben.

We spent most of the afternoon working on our green house in the back yard. Today we laid the foundation decking. Tomorrow the walls!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Ariana!

Ariana really wants to get her hands on the birthday cake. It's devil's food with dark fudge frosting and a home grown raspberry sauce center. We punctured it for the horrific effect!
The candles are lit. The singing begins. The dog hides.
And with a whoosh of air, a wish is made. Could it be for more chocolate cake? Or books? Or coffee cash? Hmm, I wonder.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trippin' in the heat

After the miracle of sun in the Pacific Northwest, life got too toasty for us at the 90 degree plus range. We headed to the beach. Here's Ari walking on water.
Alex and Anni model the latest in casual beach wear. Note the attractive shell collection basket.
All was going well until the ginormous shark appeared...
and swallowed us whole! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Okay, just kidding. Anni went back to modeling.
On Saturday, we headed to Portland for Ari's birthday trip. Nothing like one of your kids turning 20 to make you feel ancient. I mean how can she be twenty? Especially when I can't be a day past 29, hmmm. We spent a wonderful day breakfasting, browsing the Renaissance Bookstore, lunching, strolling the Nob hill street fair, chocolateering at Blue Moon Chocolates, buying bags of books at Powells, and caffeinating ourselves for the drive home.
A quick snap of our lavender bush babies. Aren't they cute?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Warmer still!

The CSA farm box arrived today with a bounty of goodness. This week, it contained carrots, cabbage, Lacinato kale, lettuce, peas, broccoli, cilantro, tomatoes, plums, nectarines, peaches, oranges, blueberries, and apples. Yum!
The sun made a return appearance today. That's two in a row, wahoo! The prerequisite for dinner tonight was it can't heat up the kitchen by even 1 degree. We hit 90 degrees today. Our house is sitting at a toasty 83.
David hit the deck and lit up the BBQ. I made with the veggies. Here's what we ended up having: Grilled king salmon (wild caught off Pacific coast) with chiptotle marionberry sauce (farmer's market), grilled asparagus (farmer's market) with olive oil, salt and pepper, and a salad of raspberries, lettuce, chives (all from our back garden), and seasoned Bulgar wheat, with a walnut vinaigrette. For dessert? Pomegranate popsicles. If you've never tried grilled asparagus, you haven't lived! Delish!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For the birds!

Our baby birds have hatched! These are the little nestlings residing in our front garden lavender bush.
A golden weaver bird at the zoo. We took another stroll around the Woodland Park Zoo yesterday. We had a great time, despite the Seattle summer weather.

Kissing Keas, also known as alpine parrots.
Peregrine falcon not happy with its tether.
Hawk thinking, "falcons, such prima donnas!"
A pair of regal bald eagles. We wondered if they could hear the wild nesting pair in the field beside them. The wild pair displaced the elk temporarily, until the chicks have flown their nest.
Anni and the ravens. The one beside her seems okay, but she's not too sure about that one on her shoulder!
And living proof that summer does eventually make it to the Seattle area. It was blue skies and in the eighties today! Quick grab your sunscreen, water balloons, and beach towel. No wait, just head for the sun (with the sunscreen) cause if you wait, you might miss it!