Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Anni and Julie Ann watching the 4th of July Kirkland Parade. (Note the resemblance to my mom!)
Ari and Alex pretending to watch the parade while drinking coffee, playing Nintendo, and reading a book! (Teenagers!)
The hind end of the parade. Note the jackets and blankets. Ah, summer in the Great Pacific Northwest!
Alex digs into Southern BBQed ribs.
Ari pops a popper on the deck. Open your eyes!
Alex pops a popper on the deck. Happy 4th everyone!
And special congratulations to our friends Ellie and Joey who just found out they have a baby on the way!

Happy Fourth of July!

1 comment:

Red Pencil said...

I'm glad you got our message! I think my emails are not getting through to your earthlink address. I'm spam! write me back at I miss you all!
