Thursday, July 21, 2011


Today's garden harvest (from upper left corner, clockwise): Thyme, sage, chives, chocolate mint, purple sage, lemon thyme, nasturtium, squash blossom, peppermint, salad greens, rosemary, cream carrots, greens, oregano, (middle, from left) berries, peas, spearmint. The herbs are doing very well in the garden this year. The warm weather plants (tomatoes, peppers) are struggling in our cooler, wetter than usual summer.

And speaking of struggling, the Seattle Sounders Soccer team more than struggled against Manchester United last night at the Seattle stadium in front of 60,000 people. They were annihilated 7 to 0! But we still love our Sounders. Go green and blue!

Anni had a rare day when she had no appointments. Alex, Ari, and David were busy with school and college; so Anni and I had a girls day in. We got up late, had a leisurely breakfast, gave each other oatmeal facials, picked and ate raspberries, read Winnie-the-Pooh stories, and made cranberry cupcakes. It was great fun!

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