Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A berry good day

Alchemy waiting outside the cupboard,
the cupboard where the DOG treats are kept!
He's a sneaky one, that cat!
This week's CSA box:
Romaine lettuce, celery, leeks, carrots, a double bunch of asparagus,
onions, potatoes, mushrooms, Roma tomatoes, red peppers,
kiwi, oranges, tangelos, apples, Asian pears, and strawberries.
And speaking of strawberries, here's a pic of the strawberry patch,
a raised bed we planted today with 17 strawberry plants.
We used 3 types; an everbearing, an early bearing and a late bearing.
If all goes well (and not well for the birds and slugs),
we should have strawberries well into July! Yum!

Later we'll be adding some bush beans and spinach to this box
as they are good companion plants to strawberries.

We also planted our raspberry plant today.
Tomorrow, it's time to stick those onion starts into some dirt!

And finally to those who have been asking about the gardening resources,
I add them as the books of the week:
Carrots Love Tomatoes: Secrets of Companion Planting for Sucessful Gardening by Louise Riotte and The Backyard Homestead by Carleen Madigan

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