Friday, April 3, 2009

*@#%! WEATHER!

Okay, the forecast for today was cloudy with a chance of sun, a very typical spring forcast. We were overjoyed, spring at last! We woke up to...? You got it, SNOW again! A full inch coating my poor shivering veggies, which I did not cover up as the weather guy did not predict this cold white stuff. Later, the sun peeked out, briefly, and then it rained again! This was after pouring all day solid yesterday. The puddles have puddles! And it's supposed to get below freezing again tonight! David and Ari were busy covering the veggies tonight! We've had 15 days with snow, so far in 2009; that's ENOUGH!

We made fajitas for dinner tonight; not your ordinary meat-heavy version but healthy fajitas with just a little grass-fed beef sliced paper thin and stirfried with cilantro, mushrooms, zucchini, red and green peppers, and onions. We served it up with fresh avacado, salsa, and whole-grain tortillas. It's amazing how many veggies you can sneak into a family favorite!

Looking for an alternative to sugary sodas and 'fruit'-like juices? Consider organic ice teas. They're super easy to make with just tea, hot water, and ice! We've been brewing lots of yummy, sugar-free ice teas in flavors to complement our meals. Tonight, we had pomegranate green ice tea. Delicious!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Glad I was in Florida all week! 85 and sunny! (I even wore ... shorts!)