Saturday, February 12, 2011

Finally, a new post!

Finally, a new post! I've been taking a blog hiatus to work on another project. I'm going to be the science guest of honor at a conference next week, meaning I had to come up with a key note speech.

Then, I said I'd be happy to fill in wherever else I might be needed. Now, I'm also giving a talk to two high school science classes and being a member of nine panels, on such varied topics as Alvin the submersible, Pulling an All nighter, Brain Plasticity, and Technology of the future! It's a lot of firing up my brain, but I'm having a blast!

Dinner on Tuesday: Asian chicken salad with wanton strips - delish!
Farm box on Wednesday: celery, broccolini, red leaf lettuce, greem beams, tomatoes, lacinato kale, mushrooms, shallots, apples, pears, oranges, tangelos, and a mango.

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