Here I am in Pasco, WA at Radcon 5C. I was the science geek (I mean guest) of honor. I participating in the opening ceremonies (here with Radcon Bob), gave the science keynote presentation, did visits with two high school classes, was a member of 11 panels, and briefly modeled for the auction. Phew!

Fellow writer, Jay Lake, just had to try my hat on. He bares a striking resemblance to a Star Wars ewok. (sorry Jay).

After nearly a week of con food. I arrived home craving organic veggies. Here are the fixings for homemade pizza!

Two veggilicious pizzas about to hit the oven. YUM!

Anni getting cozy with the tea cozy!

She thought Alex needed a turn too.

The snow decided to make a reappearance in Western Washington.

At first it was just a few flakes.

And then a few more.

It began to stick

until the ground was covered

and so was the greenery.

The guard owl was not amused.

Barkley? Are you out here?

Today, it warmed up just a bit and melted some in the sunshine. Sending warm thoughts to all of you.
And finally...
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! to Ellie and Joey on the birth of their beautiful baby girl!
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