We had a beautiful Memorial Day weekend. We so needed the sun around here.
The tomatoes are finally smiling!
On Sunday, we went to the beach! It was not as warm there!
Glad we brought our jackets, but we had a great time searching for sand dollars and shells, chasing seagulls, and gawking at all the kites. After a big bowl of clam chowder, we headed back full of our share of sand, sea water, and fresh air!
On Monday, we puttered about the garden transplanting veggies and weedwacking the weeds. We also laid the footprint for the chicken coop. Once the sun went down, Ari and I went to the movies. She saw Terminator. I saw the Soloist. It was terrific!
a salad bowl's worth of 3 lettuce types, a handful of baby spinach,
2 radishes, mint, peas, chives, basil, and Italien parsley.
Today, we were busy with the daily schedule. The sun was hiding behing clouds, so it was a great day for seeding. We made homemade pizza and a great salad for dinner, and then for dessert we had freshly baked rhubarb, strawberry, and apple pies, made this afternoon.
The kitchen smelled heavenly!
using lots of those garden veggies and herbs.
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