Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Sunny Weekend on the Funny Farm

Anni's prayers for a sunny weekend were finally answered!
Giant rhubarb leaves.
Our rhubarb is a new plant and can't be harvested yet, so
many thank to our neighbor for sharing rhubarb stalks this weekend.
The zucchini plant blossoms.
A Russian kale, marigold, and potato plants,
companion planting at its best.
The strawberry and pea patches.
Yesterday's garden harvest
Peas, spinach, chard, bokchoy, Russian kale,
Radishes, Collards, Edible flowers, lettuce, & cilantro.

And Saturday was farmer's market day too!
Potatoes, Tomatoes, local tuna, corn starts,
and hazelnut butter made it into the market basket!
And more garden green stuff today!
Lettuce, spinach, collards, curly kale, bok choy, radishes,
Russian kale, lemon balm, edible flowers, peas, chard,
lettuce, Italian parsley, and basil.
Alex went kayaking with David today.
They took a paddle around Lake Union.

We finally laid out frame for the chicken coop today!
Many thanks to the crew at the hardware store for helping me
cut and load the wood and very heavy concrete blocks!

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