Here's a photo of the squid hanging near the wind-up emporium, where Anni got a wind-up chick. Photo by shutter-bug Alex.
While at the market, I shopped for dinner: locally made roasted garlic fettuccine, baby steamer clams, and french bread rolls. I wore my new apron while cooking, and the food was delish!
After dinner we finished building the brooder box for the chicks. The finished product (thanks largely to David and Alex) is terrific.
And today, we chose the three chicks. The are x-linked goldens, guaranteed to be females. We had some interested naming suggestions:
David: Larry, Mo, and Curly
Ari: Dad, they're girls
Ari: Dad, they're girls
David: Laurie, Mona, and Curlie
Alex: McNugget, Finger-Lickin', and Pot Pie
Ari: You're gross!
Anni: Abigail, Abigail, Abigail
Mom: Anni, would you like to name your chick Abigail?
Anni: No!
Mom: How about Henny Penny, Cluck-Cluck, and Minerva?
All: No!
Mom: Okay, but we need chickeny names!
And the final verdict was: Anni's Henrietta (shy with dark markings on her head)
Ari's Claudette (the fiesty oldest with white feathering)
Alex's Matilda (the group clown!)
And they suit them to a tee!
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