and Squeak, version 2 (Version 1 went to the great swirly bowl). These guys (or gals) start off at one inch and are now at least 4 inches. I guess it was their turn for a guest shot as the dog and cats have all made appearances.
Anni is modeling her favorite red t-shirt, the family tree shirt with all 9 branches including ours.
Today was All Saints' Day. We celebrated by preparing for All Hallows' Eve. We finally got our halloween candy and arranged the mini menu for our celebration. We found lights for our steps and some fun crafts to creat for tomorrow. Now, if I can just remember where I put that CD with the spooky music.
As promised yesterday, a project update:
1. Eat seasonally, locally, sustainably, and organically. - This has been one of the easiest goals to work on. We love the challenge and comraderie of this goal. We get to chat with the farmers who grow our food.
2. Grow more of our own food - This is a work in progress. The garden is beginning it seasonal slumber. We still have a lettuce bowl growing. Our next garden step is to get a green house constructed.
3. Increase community, decrease our consumerism - Just by working on goals 1 and 2 we have experienced an increase in our community commitments and participation. We are passionate about quality local farming and access to farmers' markets. We also feel more connected to the environment around us and so are willing to commit time and energy to green causes.
4. Live and play simply and locally - We are doing more fun things as a family; cooking, crafting, gardening, marketing. We walk the dog more and just have more time to be with family and friends. By experiencing our state and its neighbors, we get to do more experiencing. So far we've been to the Portland, Yakima, the Winthrop area, and Leavenworth.
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