Sunday, October 19, 2008

The room without a view

More photos from the farming experience yesterday. A lovely view of the Snoqualmie River on the left and one of the farm's crop fields on the right. That's purple kale and collard greens growing.

I needed to post some beautiful scenery because Alex and I spent all day digging out his room (Scary! Not scenic at all!). I was demanding to see some vacuumable floor space. Alex is our future architect. He loves to built. We had to disassemble loads of lego, erector set, bionicle sets, and several other building set that I'm not hip enough to know the name of. It took four hours to clean that room! Then another couple to do all the laundry we found under his bed!

We stuck a pot of chili verde in the crock pot to bubble while we did our clean machine express. It was delicious with homemade tortilla chips and salsa.

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