Sunday, October 12, 2008

Smells, Fishy and Sweet

We visited the fish hatchery to see the Chinook salmon running up the stream. We also saw Coho and Sockeye mixed in. There were hundreds of fish! The dead fish released a pungent odor.

We spent part of the day digging our cold weather coats out of the garage. Then we decided to excavate a few other things out of the garage: cardboard to the recycler, used clothes and books to charity, and a few bags of unreuseable junk for a run to the dump.

Later this afternoon, I went in search of a big box of local apples, and hurray I found one, 25 lbs of gravensteins even. So, we spend most of tonight turning a third of them into spiced apple butter. They cooked for over 2 hours releasing a heavenly scent into the whole house. We made 8 jars. Tomorrow, we're making apple sauce.

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